Festive Cheers for Volunteers
In 2024, volunteering within basis.point underwent a transformation, and we significantly increased the number of opportunities for our patrons to volunteer both directly with basis.point and with our educational partners. Recognising the important role that volunteering can make, we took on a new team member Sharon Lett to specifically take this up a notch.
One outstanding example is the mentorship program with the Foróige Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE). Each year representatives of our Prestige and Premier Patrons have the opportunity to judge on the regional and national finals of the prestigious NFTE programme.
This year, following on from the National finals a number of basis.point patrons mentored young entrepreneurs preparing for the European finals in Berlin. Experts in their field, Thomas Plunkett, Natasha Herbst-Bergin, Hellen Dalton, Alexandra Slattery, John Whittaker, and John Weedle shared their knowledge and instilled resilience, teaching the young entrepreneurs how to present their projects effectively and bounce back from setbacks.
Their guidance culminated in a proud moment when one of the teams won the Real Market Challenge category with their product “Stick It”.
Another highlight of the year was the Sport for Life program at Technological University Dublin. This initiative, aimed at promoting health and wellbeing among junior cycle students, saw over 22 enthusiastic volunteers from Citi participate.
They brought energy and passion to the program, impacting both the students and themselves. Elizabeth O’Brien, Assistant VP & Communications Manager at Citi, highlighted the positive feedback from employees and the profound impact of their involvement.
Basis.point’s volunteering efforts in 2024 were about more than just fulfilling ESG needs; they created a sense of shared purpose and belonging.
Ray Cullivan from First Sentier encouraged his team into a physical maintenance project in a local youth centre. Ray was delighted with the experience and encapsulated this transformative experience, stating,
“The work certainly taxed muscles we don’t normally use in our daily roles, but it was rewarding to hear first-hand stories from the Foróige team and how they make an impact.”
At basis.point, we guide our prestige and premier patrons through the process of setting up meaningful connections with educational partners. From identifying opportunities to coordinating logistics, we make it seamless, building momentum and creating a culture of giving that lasts within organizations. Our community’s spirit of giving and shared purpose in 2024 highlighted the transformative power of volunteering, weaving a brighter tapestry for future generations.
Edel O’Malley, CEO of basis.point, proudly noted,
We are delighted that 4,000 hours of volunteering, mentoring, and enhancement days were completed, with 50% of our Prestige patrons engaged in at least one volunteering program this year.
Thank you to each of our volunteers and to our education partners. Together we are transforming the way communities come together to bolster education and empower the youth. We couldn’t do it without you!
If you are a prestige or premier patron, please contact Sharon Lett to discuss how you and your team can get involved directly with our education partners. Next year, let basis.point be your volunteering partner to build something truly extraordinary.