Limerick Youth Services

Limerick Youth Service is a leading provider of youth work, further education and training, employability and volunteering opportunities for young people and, with fifty years’ experience, is to the fore in providing quality youth led programmes.

From youth clubs and seasonal events to fundraising and fundraising and after school activities, there are many volunteering opportunities with Limerick Youth Service. Volunteering gives you an opportunity to get involved in your local community, get experience supporting young people and have fun!

The current volunteers opportunities include:

In addition to helping out with youth clubs, volunteers and companies can offer their skills too.

• Assist in youth work programmes e.g art, painting, sport, music, summer camps etc)
• Design posters and flyers (graphic designers)
• Literacy support including digital literacy.
• Design of local youth spaces and centres.
• Organising events such as variety show, fundraisers
• Support young people with employment experience (part of the Community Training Centre module however, young people with youth groups would avail of this too)

Limerick Youth Service will provide the following:

• Induction training and support
• Child Safeguarding Awareness Training
• Diverse opportunities across Limerick City and County

Get In Touch

Tel: 061-412444
Limerick Youth Service, 5 Lr. Glentworth St, Limerick V94 YF95

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