DCU Changemakers Schools

Supporting schools to address society’s most pressing challenges such as mental health, inequality, and climate change.

Cumulative funding €354,776


Primary school students are learning 21st century skills based on empathy, creativity, leadership and teamwork.


Changemaker Schools throughout Ireland committed to developing programmes of change to benefit society.


Counties in Ireland have at least one DCU Changemaker School flying the flag for youth voice and agency.

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Changemakers Schools Network was established in 2020. Our schools are innovative and exciting places to learn. Through a variety of creative and often pioneering approaches, they foster school cultures of and for social justice and inclusion, develop the agency of students and champion children's citizenship. 

Download our Impact Report

The Changemakers Schools Network

The Changemakers programme is grounded in the four pillars of empathy, creativity, leadership and teamwork and aspires  to reimagine education for 21st Century learning,

The Changemaker Schools programme delivered by DCU

Within our network the empowerment and agency of students is key, using the identity formation of students as Changemakers. We support our schools, to create cultures in which children's identities as competent learners and citizens are fostered.

basis.point is providing early seed funding this programme.

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6 December 2023, St. Patrick’s Campus, DCU. DCU Changemaker Schools Network event. Haryad Akam, a pupil from Francis Street School in Dublin.
Sea School7

What is a Changemaker

A Changemaker is someone with the skills and confidence to lead change in their home, school, or community.

The overall goal of the Changemakers Schools is to develop a students critical thinking, student agency and 21st century learning skills.

Greening Education in line with 2030 Sustainability Goals 

Teachers in the participating schools are supported to develop programmes of change to overcome some of societies most pressing challenges such as mental health, inequality and climate change.

Each school is active in promoting rich and enjoyable learning experiences, where change is envisioned as an exciting opportunity. Great examples of creative learning can be seen The Sea School in Galway, The Forest School in Dublin and the many Eco Gardens. The network allows for the exchange of ideas and best practices.

 Our goal is to reimagine education and empower students to make a difference in the world.



basis.point Funding DCU Foundation

2023-2025 - €354,776 

Download Strategic Plan 

The exchange of idea's within the school network will benefit some 8000 primary school children.

28 Primary Schools nationwide will be part of the DCU Changemakers Schools Network which encourages the sharing of new ideas and best practice.


Programme Feedback

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Anecdotal positive feedback on the programmes is encouraging and the impact of these programmes on communities is far reaching.

Whether I’m in school, on a pitch, at a meeting, on a stage or in a university, I know that by being in a changemaker school I have been equipped with 21st century learning skills. Francis Street is a life changing school for me.

Feedback from a Student

We are trying to stretch the way the children see the world to better equip children with the skills that they may need to be leaders of the future.

Feedback from Teachers

Recent news from the Changemakers Schools Network